
[SAP Press] HANA Administration

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Описание: Who says that a leopard can’t change its spots? With the advent of SAP HANA, database administration is evolving—and you can evolve along with it. Learn how traditional administration concepts are applied in SAP HANA, and find out about the new concepts relevant to an in-memory database. Novice or expert, this book will help you sharpen your skills.

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Who says that a leopard can’t change its spots? With the advent of SAP HANA, database administration is evolving—and you can evolve along with it. Learn how traditional administration concepts are applied in SAP HANA, and find out about the new concepts relevant to an in-memory database. Novice or expert, this book will help you sharpen your skills.

  • Go under the hood of SAP HANA: architecture, administration tools, objects, and more
  • Manage high availability, backup, and recovery
  • Get hands-on advice about user management, roles, and privileges