
[Matthew Hickey, Jennifer Arcuri] Hands on Hacking (2020)

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Hands-On Hacking teaches readers to see through the eyes of their adversary and apply hacking techniques to better understand real-world risks to computer networks and data. Readers will benefit from the author’s years of experience in the field hacking into computer networks and ultimately training others in the art of cyber-attacks.

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Hands-On Hacking teaches readers to see through the eyes of their adversary and apply hacking techniques to better understand real-world risks to computer networks and data.

Readers will benefit from the author’s years of experience in the field hacking into computer networks and ultimately training others in the art of cyber-attacks.

This book holds no punches and explains the tools, tactics and procedures used by ethical hackers and criminal crackers alike.

We will take you on a journey through a hacker’s perspective when focused on the computer infrastructure of a target company, exploring how to access the servers and data.

Once the information gathering stage is complete, you’ll look for flaws and their known exploits—including tools developed by real-world government financed state-actors.