
[Linux Academy] Amazon ecs deep dive (2020)

Первоначальная цена составляла руб.13,599.0.Текущая цена: руб.1,000.0.


This course will explore Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) from the very basics of its configuration to an in-depth review of its use cases and advanced features. We will talk about how ECS is architected in order to provide a better understanding of how to manage container-based applications at scale. Once we have a solid foundation of the basics, we will dive into the advanced use cases to uncover the power of ECS. DOWNLOAD:

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Любой товар стоит от 150 до 500 рублей (цена не зависит от стоимость продажи у автора)
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  • Легко оплатить (мы используем все популярные платежные системы).

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This course will explore Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) from the very basics of its configuration to an in-depth review of its use cases and advanced features. We will talk about how ECS is architected in order to provide a better understanding of how to manage container-based applications at scale. Once we have a solid foundation of the basics, we will dive into the advanced use cases to uncover the power of ECS.