
[Linux Academy] Amazon LightSail Deep Dive (2020)

Первоначальная цена составляла руб.13,599.0.Текущая цена: руб.1,000.0.


AWS offers a wealth of features allowing an experienced architect, engineer or developer to implement systems to meet any need. Amazon Lightsail compliments this flexability by providing a simple, cheap but powerful way to utilise AWS services.

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Любой товар стоит от 150 до 500 рублей (цена не зависит от стоимость продажи у автора)
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  • Легко оплатить (мы используем все популярные платежные системы).

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AWS offers a wealth of features allowing an experienced architect, engineer or developer to implement systems to meet any need.

Amazon Lightsail compliments this flexability by providing a simple, cheap but powerful way to utilise AWS services.

Lightsail is suitable for a wide range of skill levels from beginners without any AWS experience to powerusers and developers who need to implement things in a fast and efficient way.

This course aims to teach the skills essential to get the most from Lightsail. It starts with basic concepts and concludes by teaching advanced functionality useful to those looking to achievethe most from the product.