
[Linux Academy] YAML Essentials (2020)

Первоначальная цена составляла руб.3,800.0.Текущая цена: руб.1,000.0.


Have you ever wanted to know, in very simple terms, the answers to the following questions: What is YAML? What is YAML used for? How do you read and write YAML?

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This course is for the absolute beginner.

Have you ever wanted to know, in very simple terms, the answers to the following questions: What is YAML? What is YAML used for? How do you read and write YAML? What can you do with YAML? If you answered yes, then this course is for you. Our goal with this course is to provide a simple, conceptual introduction to the fundamentals of YAML as a data serialization language. There are no technical explanations or definitions to memorize – this course is visual, and strictly conceptual. When you are done with this course, you will have the foundation to move forward onto more advanced technical courses where YAML may be used in practice. And by having the frame-of-reference understanding from this course, you will be more prepared to tackle the more complex technical concepts and terminology. As an added bonus to all who enroll, we have made a select group of Linux Academy’s Hands-On Labs and flashcards available for free to all students who wish to take advantage of them. Instructions on how to access these bonus features will be provided during the course. (NOTE: These bonus features are not a required part of the course. They are an addition you can choose if you so wish.)