
[Skillshare] The Complete cyber security course in 8 hours! (2021)

Первоначальная цена составляла руб.13,599.0.Текущая цена: руб.1,000.0.


SQL Vulnerability Assessment SQL Injection is one of the most initial and important topics in cybersecurity. Over the years many websites have been hacked using SQL injection. It is a type of injection attack that makes it possible for hackers to execute malicious SQL statements. Therefore, a project on this concept would add significant value to your portfolio.

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SQL Vulnerability Assessment

SQL Injection is one of the most initial and important topics in cybersecurity. Over the years many websites have been hacked using SQL injection. It is a type of injection attack that makes it possible for hackers to execute malicious SQL statements. Therefore, a project on this concept would add significant value to your portfolio.

However, completing this project is not easy because you can just randomly pick any website and start testing. You have to inform and take prior permission from the website admin. While most of the website owners will not agree to let you perform a vulnerability assessment, you can always reach out to small blog owners. If that doesn’t work as well, you can get a web page developed and perform the test on that.