
[Udemy] Bug Bounty Hunting: Guide to an Advanced Earning Method (2020)

Первоначальная цена составляла руб.3,800.0.Текущая цена: руб.1,000.0.


This course includes all the techniques/methods to find any vulnerability in websites/ web applications and their exploitation. This Bug Bounty Hunting program is designed to inform all the latest vulnerabilities on websites like Web Application attacks, CSRF attacks, Injection attacks, and more. You will also learn the procedure in which you get paid or earn many other rewards by documenting and disclosing these bugs to the website’s security team. So, this course will give you a thorough introduction to the bugs that you can report and earn money. DOWNLOAD:

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Любой товар стоит от 150 до 500 рублей (цена не зависит от стоимость продажи у автора)
  • После оплаты вы сразу же получаете курсы на e-mail;
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  • Легко оплатить (мы используем все популярные платежные системы).

Если вы оплатили продукт, и он не пришел вам на почту в течение 30 минут, то свяжитесь с нами по ссылке: https://unimys.com/zakaz-ne-prishel/

This course includes all the techniques/methods to find any vulnerability in websites/ web applications and their exploitation. This Bug Bounty Hunting program is designed to inform all the latest vulnerabilities on websites like Web Application attacks, CSRF attacks, Injection attacks, and more. You will also learn the procedure in which you get paid or earn many other rewards by documenting and disclosing these bugs to the website’s security team. So, this course will give you a thorough introduction to the bugs that you can report and earn money.